Zillow Showcase

Getting Started Guide

Zillow Showcase

Getting Started Guide

Support Contact Information

If you need live support, we have a team ready to assist!

Support Contacts

Phone: 833-918-0066

Support Hours

Monday – Friday, 8 am – 10 pm EST
Saturday – Sunday, 9 am – 6 pm EST

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can a listing be edited once it’s live?

All listings can be edited once they’ve been posted, but we strongly encourage Showcase listings are posted without intending to make any updates. Due to technical limitations between Showcase and MLS platforms, we have seen limited instances where listings have not updated correctly after they’ve been posted and edited. But we understand that circumstances sometimes require updates later, and if a listing does not update correctly we encourage you to reach out to our support team for help to get any problems resolved quickly. 

Can I get a refund for a Showcase credit?

Typically once a Showcase credit has been triggered for a listing, no refund is available for that credit. We urge all Showcase customers to verify they are using their credits on the correct property before finalizing a Showcase listing. We understand that in some rare cases technical problems may cause issues with credit utilization. If you believe a credit was used incorrectly, we urge you to reach out to support or your account manager for assistance.

Why isn’t my Showcase listing showing up properly on Zillow?

The most common reason for a Showcase listing to not be showing as intended is that the listing was not completed on the original MLS. Make sure that you have included all information and media, including links to tours and floor plans, on the MLS and made the listing live in order to see your Showcase listing completed on Zillow as well.