6 Feedback Questions Every Listing Agent Should Ask

Many tools exist for agents to set appropriate expectations for their sellers. But even the most comprehensive of stats might not be enough to convince some sellers their home isn’t the best on the market. It’s a tricky situation many listing agents have been in, which is why receiving feedback from buyers can ultimately help lead to a smoother and quicker sale.

All ShowingTime products include a feedback module, with the option to upgrade to Enhanced Feedback. Among other features, both feedback options allow listing agents to automatically send feedback requests to showing agents. With Enhanced Feedback, the form is customizable and can consist of a single comment box with multiple choice questions the listing agent can personalize for each listing.

Personalized questions provide the best feedback and can help shed light on where your listing stands compared to others. Here are six suggested feedback questions we think every listing agent should ask:

1. What was your overall impression of the home?

This is a rather vague question and answers could vary from “good” to a well-thought-out paragraph, but it’s good to open by casting a wide net.

2. What did you like most about the home?

Your listing could be in an excellent school district with a nice yard, but something else might stick out to one or more buyers. Knowing what buyers are looking for – and what this listing offers – adds to the features you can highlight

3. What did you like least about the home?

The reason people seek feedback is to improve, so this is an important question. If it’s something that can’t be changed – detached garage, noisy street – that’s still valuable. If it’s relatively cheap, fixable and adds value – a fresh coat of paint, new carpet, updated landscaping – encourage the seller to maximize the home’s value.

4. How do you feel about the price of the home?

If a large percentage of buyers all answer it’s too high, take note and do some additional research. But some buyers look at homes out of their price range, so don’t make any rash decisions if only a few voice concern.

5. How would you compare this home to others you have viewed?

Not only does this gauge buyer interest, but it also gives listing agents and sellers a chance to see how their listing stacks up against others on the market.

6. What would help your buyer consider submitting an offer today?

This is an aggressive question, but it shows how interested buyers are in the listing and where they are in the home-buying process. Maybe they’re looking for a quick purchase. Maybe something small is holding them back. That’s the great thing about getting feedback: You never know until you ask.

Is your feedback indicating your marketing needs a boost? Learn how Zillow Showcase from ShowingTime+ can help you get more page views, more saves and quicker sales.


A real estate agent looking at a phone and smiling, pleased with the property photos ShowingTime+ provided for her listing.

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Two people shaking hands and smiling after sitting through a winning real estate listing presentation.