5 Things You Need to Know About the ShowingTime Mobile App

Below you’ll find five great things you can do (from anywhere you have your tablet or smartphone handy) on the ShowingTime mobile app:

1. Sync Showings to Your Mobile Calendar

As a real estate agent, you’re probably constantly on the move. With the ShowingTime mobile app, you won't have to worry about missing your next appointment, or spending time trying to find the information you need. With a few taps, you can sync your showing schedule straight to your phone’s calendar.

Here’s How: Click on “My Profile & Settings,” then scroll down to “Calendar Sync.”

2. Easily Manage Feedback

Feedback requests and notifications make it easier to give (and get) real-time feedback while the showing is still fresh. From the app, you can both request feedback from showing agents and respond to showing feedback requests. You don’t have to worry about yourself or other agents forgetting about feedback that could potentially be important to sell the listing.

Here’s How: Visit “Feedback” on the main page, where all inbound and outbound requests can be managed.

3. Give Your Sellers Access

We have an app just for your clients, Home by ShowingTime*, which they can use to confirm showings, view feedback you’ve approved, review their home’s listing activity, contact you, view upcoming showings and more.

Here’s How: When you tag your client to a listing, they will receive an email inviting them to download the Home by ShowingTime app.

4. View Reports

You don’t need to worry about being at your desktop computer – you can view listing activity reports right from your mobile device. This can be very helpful when you need some in-depth information in short order.

Here’s How: From the main page, scroll down to “Reports” and select a listing.

5. Search for Listings to Show

Sometimes you may find yourself waiting in the car or perhaps waiting at a listing. You might have to make a quick lunch stop. With the ShowingTime mobile app, you can fill the time by searching for listings in your MLS from wherever you are. Even down time can be productive!

Here’s How: From the main page, under the “Showings” heading, click “Schedule a Showing.”

*Not available in all markets

The ShowingTime mobile app is free for ShowingTime customers and their sellers. You can download it from the Apple Store or Google Play.

Click here to learn more about ShowingTime solutions.

A real estate agent looking at a phone and smiling, pleased with the property photos ShowingTime+ provided for her listing.

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Two people shaking hands and smiling after sitting through a winning real estate listing presentation.